Lipo Safe Bags
Lipo Safe Bags
Finally! I know we constantly preach about lipo safety at our events, and officially, all charging must be done in a lipo safe bag or box to prevent fires and burns.
But since we've not had a supply for these before now, it's been tricky to help you all adhere to that advice/rule.
We now have a selection of 2 sizes, of good quality Lipo Safe charging bags.
You put your battery in these, and velcro it shut, if the battery pops during charge, it will contain most of the fire, and allow the pressure to dissipate safely, without burning your house down, or hurting anyone you care about.
These are reasonably priced, well below what the hobby shops in NZ charge for them, so we STRONGLY recommend you use one of these, or another similar product during charging.
If in doubt, check out the attached video